Oktober 2016

Terre des hommes – 50 Jähriges Jubiläum

Aktuell ist eines meiner Reise Kinderbilder aus Vietnam wieder für terre des hommes im Einsatz. Zum 50 Jährigen Jubiläum von tdh freue ich mich, das Kinderhilfswerk mit meinen Bildern unterstützen zu können, die in aktuellen

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At work on Old Delhi’s streets – as a travel photographer in India – The Making of

Have a look at behind the scenes of my work as a travel photographer in India and how i was working on indians streets! During my photography trip there i captured lots of authentic moments on indians streets with my camera. It was absolutely fascinating how the traffic is working at the crossovers. Sometimes it was a real challenge to capture the motives and to make a decision for one. Check out the results here.



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